Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Another semester flies...
things have been going very fast this year... some ups, some down... well, i've gain as well i've lost. some of the things that i've lost. i've never regret cuz sometimes is just letting go and moving on. however, i would not specify each thing here... haha...
cell group had some major changes which really get us tough going but like my dad always says "the going gets tough but the tough gets going". W13 is not gonna stop there cuz there are much more to do and we're not doing it for ourselves or someone. bt is for God and his purposes in our lives. personally, is hard to see a fren leave but sometimes there may be a better plan for him which is given by God. perhaps he have a better future ahead that we should be happy for him. however, cell group gonna emerge this season. perhaps, is time to rise... EMERGE RISING... haha...
thanks for the juniors which reli being a reli gud and caring friends when comes to study... although i have my bad attitudes at times... argh! i will slowly improve on that...guys, remind me if i do those attitudes again... haiz.. my next year resolution again... anyway, they have been a great encouragement to me when comes to study... haha...
Extended semester was not easy actually... being away from your own classmates makes me feel left out... however, i gain new friends, new experience, new understanding, new knowledge that really open my eyes to see that actually there are lot more things that i've not yet gain. ^^
apart from that, this semester being not reli healthy with some of the health issues... i guess i have to buck up on that. well, taking more minerals, vits and healthy diet and not relying on breads... haha.. still, i guess i nid to gain weight... anyone has any idea how? or perfect way to gain weight or watever.... i try slping n eat but it dont work on me.. gym? exercise? games? weight gain? hmm...
other than that... nothing much.. haha.. no changes in relationship status ... wakaka... the rest is still the same... cant predict much though... wakaka... well, expecting the unexpected... =)
now i can oni wait for results and pray hard that i can pass without even a supp this time.. i would wan a rest without coming back again and paying for supp... argh... but i still have to come back for attachment... aduih.. ok... attachment briefing is in 1 hour time.. better get ready..... chaos... =)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Give & Love?
Love is one of the thing that we think and talk everyday. sometimes is hard to figure and explain love. but love sometimes is so simple that it can be found in any innocent heart of a child. it can be complicated that it relates to everyone, everything and somehow it is the most POWERFUL thing.
God says Himself is LOVE. thus, Love is God. nothing is bigger than God. Thus, nothing is bigger than LOVE.
How wonderful that we had LOVE in us. How wonderful that we had God in every one of us. it is always part of us. but sometimes we just dun accept the part of it because of rejection, hatred, anger, frustration, dissapointment...
I know is not easy to show it how much it meant to us. it can be express in different matter, manner and ways... but i will show it by offering myself...
alrite.. my brain says times up... i shall continue next time.. haha... nites guys...
Give out of Love~ *peace*
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
WARNING: Rough and Bumpy Road Ahead!!!
well, things are going up hill now... we gonna reach the top of this semester very soon. finals are coming and everyone are pressured. is not an easy journey... not an easy task.. however, we still nid to overcome it. there will be difficulties ahead. some of us may face the "WALL" that's been stopping them from moving forward. some will go through... some unlucky ones... will not... (i hope im not that person... xD)
it all depends on this moment of preparation.. whether u are ready for the challenge or not. is crucial but is not everything. it requires hard work, discipline, determination, focus and intellegence.
is easy to say that but not easy to do that.
frustration, dissapointment, giving up, last minute preparation, laziness, lame excuses... etc etc... is not a choice for now...
Being pressured and study hard now... however, there's a limit. human are not perfect. we nid rest. and REST is still the most important among all the requirements. Health is one crucial thg that we should maintain all the time. but we tend to neglect it all the time and take for granted and showing those "is ok lah" attitude. well, sad to say IS NOT OK. unfortunately, MOST of the time, when we realise how important it is to us... is TOO LATE... so please... take care my fellow friends... dun spoil urself... =)
alrite... times up... i guess thats all for tonite... will continue soon. i hope to blog more often to relax myself and release some of the CVS and BIOCHEM and DNC here... thanks for reading... chaoz..
Monday, October 26, 2009
1 more week to go..
sorry for not being posting anything for so long... kinda tired n busy with stuff.. and... will share as soon as possible. =)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I need a CHANGE!!!!
Love u ~ T A Y L O R ~ <3
Here is the official video of the song :
Subscribe to taylor!!! =)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Some pictures of pneumathorax me...
Spontaneous Pneumathorax
well, as some of u have known that i had pneumathorax last few days and i have been complaining about chest and body ache as well as muscle pain.. it started on a saturday nite at home before i was going to bed.. well, i tot is just another muscle cramp or wat... but it was quite serious and painful.. so i tot is just nothing...
the next day, the pain goes on until nite.. i sense that it is just nothing really normal anymore... so i plan to go for a doctor check later at nite at HUKM.. caleb brought me there and really thank him that he would still willing to fetch me though it is his sunday which is his day off... =)
However, took me around 1 and a half hour to go through everything.. and the doctor oni says that is just muscle cramp... so i just took an injection intramuscularly at my BUTT. i was given voltaren IM + tablets + antacids + muscle relaxant. i was thinking that it will be fine after that. however, i was wrong...
the next day, there is still pain at my chest area. i knew i was not convince with the doctor's check anymore... thank God for It seang which offer that he will be doing a medical check up on that day. so, me, it seang n jonanthan all 3 went for a medical check up... it seang is for his check up for his flu condition, jonanthan is for his stomach problem...
we went to register at the public clinic and i was checked by Dr wong. she was quite patient and busy at the same time because of loaded of patients...i told her my condition and she was worrying that i would be diagnose of PNEUMOTHORAX. but she need a X-ray for comfirmation. however, it was almost their (the nurses) time to go back due to puasa. they (the nurses) have to go back on time. i quickly went to the X ray room but it was closed so i was ordered to take a x-ray at the A&E (accident and emergency) department.
the x-ray was quite high tech.. it oni take me few seconds just to take a shot from the back of my chest area. one thing i am quite impressed is that everything is computerise already.. or may be im too outdated. haha. i dont need to bring anything but just myself back to the clinic and they will be able to see my scan everywhere in the hospital as long as they have my patient ID. cool rite?
after went back to Dr Wong, i was diagnose as pneumothorax as she show me my left lung was slightly collapse... about less than 20%. she explained to me that it is not serious but however they will need to do some procedure to take the air out of the pleural cavity between my lungs and my rips. it may take sometime. immediately, i was asked to step out and wait for my "SPECIAL" treatment to be wheelchaired to the A&E department for treatment. haha. it was quite an experience. i would have to be wheelchaired because normally pneumothorax patient are not able to walk and breath properly.. however, my case was mild..
as i was entering the A&E, i was brought into the operation theather on a bed and it was scary to see alot of sick people with different sickness and all the people just scares u. i was not sure wat i saw but alot of things just flash through my mind and i was quite nervous. it was my first time entering. then, the doctor came up to me and check my breathing and lungs. he explained to me again my situation and wat they going to do. he try to calm me down but however, i get even nervous when another young doctor tries to puncture my veins for blood test and drips at my left hand.
the first trial for the veins was not successfull and he would have to take the second time... i was totally freak out as it was quite hurtful. i would oni bear it and tell myself... just hold on...the worse thing is that he did a mistake and he have to puncture my veins again...and my hands was tied with the surgical glove and starting to turn purple.. he let go and tries again after my hand turns red again...this time it hurts even more... =.=" however, he succeed...
then i was left there for around 1 hour. the doctor came back with few more doctors and ask me some questions like "how are u feeling? are u feeling breathless? is it painful when u breath... etc etc" as i was bearing the pain on my left hand... LOL i was given the oxygen mask n required to take oxygen throughout the procedure. then they went off and discuss just about 10m away in front of the computer with my lung x-ray. i tink they were discussing how to puncture my lungs and wat method to do. at the same time, they were discussing with the specialist on phone.
after a while, the nurse come with the ECG and took off my shirt for stick some of the ECG thg on my chest and put something on my finger which i didnt like the feeling. i didnt know wat is that but watever. then i was feeling very very nervous and chill as the air con was really cold.. and i am half naked over there.
then, there is 2 trainees gurls (one malay, one chinese) came over to ask my condition as they are doing their practical perhaps. they were 4th year medical student in the A&E department. they came to observe the condition. it was at least i get to talk to someone to calm me down as i was almost going to freak out in that condition. but i get more calm after some time...
very scary instead... the doctor came back after around 1 hour and going to start the procedure. he gave me sign a letter of aggreement. then he came back with a big needle and escorted by another woman doctor. both of them seems to be the senior doctors and the 2 trainees. on my left is still the young chinese doctor who poke wrongly at my left hand.. haha.. he assist the senior doctor in the puncture of the lung..
the senior doctor came back and explain to me about the safety triangle which is between the anterior and posterior region of the rips and there is less blood vessels and nerve tissue at that area. which is suitable to be puncture. if i would be punctured anteriorly or posteriorly it will hurt alot... however, he did it at the side below my armpit... thank God i got countable rips that he can count my rips between the 4th and 5th rips and he apply some Local anaesthetic
the begin by giving me the local anaesthetic and the needle was HUGE!! my eyes nearly pop out when i see that.. but i didnt want to see when he poke me.. but i could feel it but immediately the anaesthetic effect was there and i could feel the numbness. then the young doctor began to give me saline at the drips area and it was quite painful at 1st but the second shot he gave was too fast and really hurts... he said sorry but i replied... "is.... o..... k...." then the senior doctor began to puncture the lungs and i couldnt see it.. but he keep asking me "do u feel the prick?do u feel the prick? do u feel the prick?" my eyes closed and not thinking of anything.. of cuz i wouldnt reply him.. =.="
but when i open my eyes n look.. the needle + a valve + big syringe + big tube connected to a big beg... i nearly pengsan looking at it.. it was pretty scary when u see someone poking ur lung with a big needle beside u and he started to pull the syringe... i was breathing very fast and i could feel something sucking towards my right when u pull the syringe... it was pretty scary... i could oni closed my eyes and say "God, HELP ME..!!!!"
he continue to pull the let go the syringer as he take 50, 100, 150ml out of the lung... and he took too much at 1st.. around 300+ then he n the woman senior doctor saw some rashes starting to form at my chest area and they keep asking me "are u allergic to anything?" i just could say "no" because i really duno wat i am allergic to... so they started to panic and the doctor check my pulse with stethoscope and stop the puncturing...
but then, the senior doctor say continue and the release to 150+ then the rashes gone.. so he say too low.. he took another higher up... and there is resistance.. due to the pressure of the lung then the syringer POP OFF!!! i was so freak out... "WHAT!!!" and i could oni remember the woman doctor say "ok is enough is enough..." the senior doctor say "nono.. let me try 1 more time..let go... and pull in and let go and pull in.." the young doctor oni help him to pull the valve in and out in and out... i was so scary after that incident that i could oni pray that i would be fine after this procedure... but i could still feel the strange feeling when he suck the air out... is like a balloon screwed to the right... if u understand wat i mean...
then he ask me, are u feeling ok? that time, my face was totally blueish and i nearly pengsan... seriously.. i wan to pengsan there... =.=" then, after it is done, he seal the place where he puncture with a plactic cover and went off to discuss... then i was left to talk to the 2 trainees... i was talking deep breath and lazy to talk but they were kindly to stay back n comfort me.. haha... 2 pretty gurls.. =P
they did another x-ray for me after that and left me alone for around 1 to 2 hours... =.="
anyway, they came back and explain that the thg was successful but however there is still mild pneumothorax in the lungs but it will recover by itself. i was asked to stay overnight with given high concentrated oxygen. it was pretty uncomfortable cause i was not used to the condition of taking high conc oxygen.. but however, it seang n jonanthan came in to see me and get me some stuff to eat before they went back with han boon n chon hong came back with the other stuff... but warded in the observation ward was not fun at all.. i hated that place... i couldnt sleep well but i was too tired but i nid to slp... so i took some slp throughout.. but the nurse was very kind to stay up late to take care of the few patients... however, many patients coming in n out that time even til midnite... i was not bothered to reply msgs because i was too tired... (SRY GUYS...)
then the next day i was feeling much better but i got a fever due to the bacteria infection during the injection. but i recover quite fast... then i was taken few BP and they fluactuate quite frequent from 126/55 to 136/65 and back to 124/55....however, i was schedule on friday for the next x-ray and the doctor says that im ok to leave and there is no medication given. it is very fun and at the same time scary experience... lolx..
after discharging, i was not restricted to eat anything but i cant fly or scuba dive or do any heavy exercise or any activity that will excite my lungs so that it will not recurrent again. so, i nid to take care of my body more and well, GAIN WEIGHT.. haha..
i guess thats all for my experience as a pneumathorax in UMMC... it was great and i would really thank all my frens who help me and send sms to me to encourage me throughout this time. well, it will surely be unforgetable and wonderful experience.. but i dont want to be hospital bed-riden again.. LOL... lastly, i will really thank God for everything and to recover fast... unless thankful and greatness to Him. =) i will always know he will be with me... anyway, thats all for now.. chaoz.. =)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Its been a while... (paints and stains and colours)
its been hard and i know people have been watching me all the time in uni, cell group, church and stuff... happenings are always clear and u dont seems to be very in touch with it until u really experience it.
one of the phase that comes to my mind about it yesterday (while i was sick and about to slp), i thought of paints and stains.
"stains are sometimes stronger than paints.. we use paints to cover stains... but why would people like to scrap off the paints and just draw somethg to it? why would they wan to expose ur stains? why do they wan to do that to u?"
well, there's lots of diff people around us each day... and some of them are really good frens... they are the paints. oni real frens that will cloth u in ur cold and give u food when u're hungry. but some of them just like to expose ur stains and show ur past wrongs and things that u done wrong towards them and give u the hatred look... i believe the best way to overcome all these... is by doing nothing.
another phase from the previous phase is.....
"there's different colour of paints. but paints dry off easily.. and we nid to change... and some people dont want to change colours... they just like to stick to their own colours and in the end they slipped off and dry away.."
well, people change everyday... however, the "WALL" never change... wat changes is the colour of it. we nid to adapt to the environment... if not we will "dry off". still... some people just cant adapt to it and they will just keep complaining.. and not realising that they are already drying out... that's why we nid frens that can paint us... paint and cover ourselves to reach another level...
i hope u guys readers can get wat i meant about these paints, stains and colours...i shall get my rest and panadol.. hope u like it... chaos
The paint that lost it's colours
The flower that lost it's petals
The fire that lost it's heat
The love that lost it's meaning
A meaning of love is more than a thousand words
But a life with love is more beautiful than a picture
A memory of a day out is better than a thousand bucks
but a bond with a good friend is more precious than diamonds
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tribute to the king...
i guess what he was true.. most of thm i agree.. hehe.. i am a fan of kevin too.. hehe... anyway, i believe michael jackson is a gud man...but some how many ppl just blinded by many of the rumours and wrong news.. some may be true, some may not be.. but he will always be the king of POP... long live the king of pop...
i find this quite interesting and very nice as it really shows that micheal jackson is no doubt one of the great singer of all time. but is really sad to lost one of the best singers we ever had. u can see his influence to these people.. even inmates will just sing and DANCE his songs... imagine... killers, theif, robbers, rapist are all willing to dance for him just 10 hours after receiving the news of his dead. even them will do and give tribute to him. what about us? i dun mean that we shud worship him.. but just for a respect to the King of Pop.
from this video, i think it also shows inmates are still human...some people treat friends or other people base on their status. just becuz they have a black spot on their forehead. does it mean they are forever black? the modern society is really diff. it is more divided and unlike before anymore. people may be very conservative in the last century but still many ppl still look down on many people base on their status. i find prisoners are still human and some times people still deserve a second chance. who are we to judge? i believe EVERY PASSES SECOND COMES A SECOND CHANCE. i get this from a song from Relient K, named Hope for every fallen man.. xD... and finally... "WE ARE THE WORLD" ....
until then... PHC is coming.. more post will be coming up... tiring day of training is exhausting.. tml will be another... chaos~ =)
p/s: did most of the criminal learn their skill from the "thriller"? xD just a joke... look at the video to understand... ^^ see how their show their skills.. xD i bet the guy in the middle is a hardcore fan... he got the moves.. xD
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lazy June
Home n not home again... i still miss home.. =) no doubt... parents have played a more and more important role in my life now... is becoming more significant... and i learn to appreciate them more... truly love them always... happy parents day and Happy Mom's day and Happy Father's day to both of them.. haha... i know is late to wish here but i did text/call them... hehehe
Since i came back for holidays these few weeks... i realise somethings while travelling... some of my friends, i get to meet them... i get to talk with them... but things had changed... when u look back at the old brownish and old fashion coloured photographs... all those are just memories... u cant delete them... perhaps some of us had really grown much more.. everyone had gone their own way... i did my own too... some trapped... some flew high... some may not be so successful...
some things still remains the same... we may come from the same school, same church before, same kampung or same circles of friends... but everything is just for temporary... we may not be the same in the future... not even tml... some turn bad... some turn good... some of us may not be that close anymore...because we may not spend quality time and sharing together... however, i believe the FRIENDSHIP... remains the same forever..... i miss all my friends... wish u all have a nice trip back to Malaysia and Happy Holidays! =)
ok la...things will be more different from now on...perhaps... Joshua will not be....lets hope for a greater change! from higher to higher and until we reach the highest!! lets hope for a better July!! tml 10am bus back KL... i gonna slp now... until then.. chaos....GBU! =)
My heart speaks....
"everyday i will read your Word
everyday i will pray
For everything i know comes from You
For my life is in Your hands...
i surrender all to You
Letting Go of all my troubles...
Be my Lord and Savior
Forever and ever"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Home in Home
erm.. home is still the best.. best food, best bed, best best best... makes me feel that KL is not my home anymore..haha.. but still i nid to fix my mind back on my studies for the supplementary paper... still got 1 more to go... CANT GIVE UP YET!!!!
guess not much to blog today now... have to help mom.. hehehehehe... im a gud boy...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Brain or no brain?
ok...not reli much to talk about exams... PK didnt finish all the ques.. haiz.. too bad.. too many thgs to write.. should be enuf to pass unless i make silly mistakes... Biotech was the most horrible of ALL the exams... i wish i could pass and forget about everything on Biotech.. hehe
well, i was thinking about the quiz in facebook lately that i did.. is about the which brain that u usually use and tink. i got the answer that i use equally both brains... what does that mean? means i dun use my brain at all or i am genius that i can tink with both brains at once? i dun tink i am a genius...haha
is like feeling ur brains are fighting and they are like so contradicting but i am using both of them at the same time whenever... i dont really understand how it works but it works.. haha... thats why sometimes i am so confused myself too...
hm.. im kinda confused now wat am i talking about... ok la... now very blur and headache.. slp early and get rest... nitez
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thorns of a soul
blooms and grew,
running away and hide
away from the pain inside.
it brushes through my skin,
a deep, unforgiven sin,
creeping into my blood,
deeper it goes, deeper it hurts.
bitten by the poison,
infecting my internal organs,
my strength weakens,
my soul darkens.
the thorns of my soul...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Fish in Throat!
as usual, library and went to mamak... but i ordered a nasi lemak and i duno whether i was rushing or wat.. but it was going to finish already and i didnt notice that i accidentally choke on a ikan bilis!!!!!!
that stupid fish... swam to no where and fall into my throat... i was so aggitated by it... drank so much water and ate so much rice... but still dont work... i tried to poke it out with my fingers... and end up vomiting... gosh... my day gets worst... then i rush back home.. i couldnot put a smile again... it was to terrible that i cant stand it... i even brought some bread to clear it.. but it stills THERE!!!!!!
Does anybody knows whats the best way to clear off this stupid fish in my throat?
ok... i guess thats all... today is only about the fish... the battle is totally out of the story.. got to go back hiding in the notes again... gosh... bad fish... BAD FISH!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The battle goes on...
the enemy was so strong... truly.. we were warned before and got wrong information that the total marks was surposed to be 75!!!!!! ( 25 MCQ each 1 mark and 2 out of 3 SAQ ques with each 25 marks ) in the end, it was 60!!!!!!! ( 20 MCQ and 2 out of 3 SAQ with oni 20 marks each ) i was shocked and couldnt tink much... the enemy was near and all i could do is just FACE IT!!!!!
after the battle, i was so tired and i could not and do not want to THINK ABOUT IT!!! so, went back to the same library discussion room and slept about 1 to 2 hours... and the whole day just not productive at all... until.. around 5pm after meeting with Dr loga.
we did some crazy stuff there... play some "stabilo stacko", "rubber shooting stabilo", "london bridge stabilo", "UCSI stabilo tower".... LOL... just like small kids to release some stress and forget about the pain from the Battle... it was fun and at least help me to regain some energy and confidence...
this week will be a terrible fight... we still got 4 more battles to go! mates, dun stop!!!!!!!! we must win this battle... next up..... PHYSICAL PHARMACY!!!!!!!!!!!!
nitez.... *too tired.......
Saturday, May 9, 2009
How to be a good friend?
rule 1 : BE A NICE PERSON, NOT A JERK!!! "i am holy.. i go to church and i do everything according to God's word... i dont do this and that.. i cant be your friend" Save it.. we dont need this...
rule 2 : a few principles of being a friend... a friend restores and do not JUDGE someone when he is down or broken. and he continue on with 4 stages of being a friend : Introduction, Aqquintance, Friendship and Intimacy or Into-me-See!
there is 2 types of close friends... one if even the person is so close to you that he would kiss you... but one is the one that will sell u off and another is the one that will stay to support u... how do we know whether which is the friend indeed?
once.. Ps pat's friend told him that someone was talking negative thgs about him for 20 minutes.
Ps Pat : what did u do? what did u say?
her : i didnt know wat to say...
ps pat : u shud say that im your friend... how can u say that?
her : i really dont know wat to say... how can u hurt my feelings?
Ps pat : then be a friend of principles not a friend of feelings...
Jonanthan.. who was the son of King Saul... who is the king of israel at that time... it is found in 1 samuel 18 : 1-3. jonanthan shows his companionship with David after David returns to the king after he kill the goliath... Jonanthan was a companion, a friend to David.
Jonanthan sworn to serve David and fight with him... but in the end, he died when he fought with his father, King saul.... this is because.. he fight for the wrong battle... that was not his battle to fight and we cant fight for every battle... some battles are nt for us to fight for or fight with... we have to choose the right battle to fight for... Jonanthan fight that battle base on his emotion and not by principles...
5 things as a FRIEND :
- jonanthan and david share the same PAIN... both of their fathers rejected them and they face the same rejection from a father... only pain can reveal ur friends... when the time of pain, friendship will show... the time when we are blessed, everybody will like to share with u but at time of pain, only true friends will share with u...
- jonanthan was a son of a king, but he took off his robe and share his GLORY... a friend is a person who is willing to share his glory, his pride with another...
- jonanthan also gave david his armor as protection... A good friend will protect a friend. saul's armor was not fit for him because saul wasnt a friend to david even though he gain saul's favor... however, a friend is a person that will protect u.. but not fight for u... this will encourage you to rely on them... we canot help everyone if the person do not care about his problem more than you do....
- there is 2 swords in the kingdom and it was saul's and jonanthan's.... but saul's was too big and do not fit for small little david... but jonanthan gave his sword to david... what does the sword means? it means... if a friend give you their sword... it means if anyone attacks you, it won't be your friend because he dont have a sword... and the sword is usually symbolize as our WORDS.... WORDSWORDSWORDS.... only a good friend will guard his mouth...
- Jonanthan also gave his Belt to David.. if not he will lose his pants and exposed!!!! a friend is a person that will cover our weaknesses... a good friend will supports your shield and give you the belt to cover your weaknesses
ok la... back to aseptic now... gonna rush through the nite... dreams are to be sweat and nights to be calm... NITEZ~
the moon is round,
the night without sound,
the sky is clear,
exams are near....
to go for another mile
with smiles,
this message from a friend
to cherish you for a while...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Boss round
this battle was not easy. as i would have to struggle and wait patiently in the quarantine area while other war-members are in the field or "the garden" (describe by mr jony). many of them suffered coming out from the field... but some remain calm and relax...
while we were quarantine... my nerves was 110% up to my brain and down to my very toes... i could not feel my fingers and legs... i can feel my lips are numb... i was worried, anxious and scared that i was not prepared enough... "what if i was not prepared enough, wat if i make stupid mistakes...."
the moment i enter the field... i know i have no time to tink about anything more... and focus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whispering the prayers in my heart and walking towards the table.........
i open the ques and didnt stop thinking and doing the ques... i wrote about 1 page of incompatibilities and dr yeong sign about 10 times for me... and in the end... i got the correct signature which is 250 microgram per dose... all i know that i have to finish the prescribtion already because i was 20minutes behind time... i did my best and finish 1 and half of the both prescription... i was proud and satisfied... even though my answer could be wrong or inaccurate... but i believe i do what i should do already and i have done my very best to answer the ques with all the knowledge i had..... the rest... is up to God now...
leaving the field... we went back camp and rest... and took a trip to the Holy Place (CHC) again... this time, the van was not on time and was 1 hour late... me, ray and eny waited for quite long and finally our angel, GiGi! with his car, 4 of us including pek lin was able to go to church... we were blessed to have him and able to accompany him... it was a answered prayer! this was all God's plan... blessed...
we missed worship but Ps Pat was great... i was blessed that even though we are late but we stil manage to sit in the auditorium although it was squizy but.. im blessed again...
a topic on "secret of relationship"... the whole sermon i was laughing non-stop... he is good... and one of the things that he said that inspire me is the 4 phases of man and 4 phases of woman
4 phases of man :
- King - every man was to be the dominator... he wants to rule... this is to show his authority... not that he wants to be someone great but he was to have a dominion of his own.. and this is not democracy
- Warrior - every man will fight for something... a trophy, a car, a prize... but every man should not fight with his wife... this is because he should fight FOR his wife... and wife should not fight with their husband... let him be the action... he has the way... let him!
- Fool - well... i agree with that because sometimes guys really do stupid stuff... so is david.. dancing around with his underpants... uh! i wont do that bt sometimes i do stupid stuff like drawing circles at the corner and singing out like nobody's business.... forgive me...
- Boy - this happens to be sometimes.. haha.. "when is he gonna grow up?! can he be more mature?" NEVER!!! well, nature of man...
it gets more interesting.... woman!
4 phases of woman :
- Queen : every woman wants to be crown as prom queen or watever queen.... they just wants to have that attention or to be loved... cherish....
- Lover : the romance in a woman is owez flowing... they are beings with emotions and the feeling inside is always on...
- mother : no matter wat they will always be the mother of nature.. wahaha... i code that... LOL... well, very simple... example : when a woman saw a cute kitten... they will keep it and sayang it like a mother... well... womans... dont be a mother to ur husband... they dont nid another mother to tell them "have u eaten?" "do u need a rest?" "are u full?" well, when a mother see her son treated by his wife like a mother.... there's where the mother in law fight comes... haha
- witch.... !! hm... i dont have to explain this much le bah... i gues... we all understand the witch!!.. haha...
We always expect the man to love the wife like the christ love the church BUT the man love his wife in correction with the love of chirst to the church with disciplines....
Love unconditionally... but for everyman... there is a RESPECT.. and respect is with conditions... girls sometimes do not understand this point and disrespect a guy that she can oni tink that "why he dont love me one?" but actually to a guy... respect is much more than just feelings... if we withhold the love... and couldnot love.. then a woman will not be able to show respect for the man and the man will withhold the love towards the woman... is a CIRCLE! =)
i like the last story he told before he ended... it is about a manwho find wives for people... and 1 day he found out that he actually is stil single.. so he look for a rich family guy with 7 beautiful daughters and 1 of them is less beautiful and less talented.. but the other 6 was taken oledi.. so the rich man say.. nvm la.. u pay 1/3 of the dowry is enough.. but the man pay full dowry.... and they get married...
after few years, one of his frens come and visit him and ask him how many wives u have already.... because in their culture they can mary many wives but then he say i only got 1... and is the 1st one i marry... the guy say u can tahan meh? that one is not pretty one.. but then the guy tell him that he has paid the full dowry which is 2 times the dowry that was set for her and she is the prettiest among the all... that is the worth of her... is the same as Christ paid the prize for us.. we didnt worth that much but he paid more than what we worth...
well, i guess i should stop here now... the time is almost 3am... another 4 hours the sun is coming up... and tml we will need to do more exercise and training.... monday will be soon coming.. and the next boss is coming... until then... CHAOS!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fear out, Faith In
had a great lunch with my fellow war-mates... celebrated a while with YING JUN! thgs have been great for her and we all can see that she had grown so much more than who she is before, the day she step into pharmacy course... wish her a great and wonderful year to come and do great in this coming FINALS! HAPPY 22nd Birthday! =)
*hopes she see this post!! =)
then times up! the whistle blows, the muscles need to continue working... relaxing too much will gain fat and get lazy... aiyoyo... push... 1,2,3! 1,2,3! 1,2,3....
night falls, the trumpet sounds... dinner skipped... gosh... but the spirit was filled... and the excitement was growing as we took a small journey out of the war field... arrived in time, and entered the holy place... bow in prayer and wanting just to be in the presence was just refreshing... releasing the fear inside and replacing the FAITH... and gaining more strength... suddenly, the tiredness of the body just lost....................
as i held my head up high, the inside of me enlarge... and builds up the inner me... so i would go another mile further... it gives me the confident that i once lost... i will use my best to do my best...
alrite... time to go back to camp and rest... is getting late... tml nids to o more push ups and training... the enemy is coming soon... i got to get ready!
Monday, May 4, 2009
First day at the warfield!!!
the first day, on the pitch with full mud and dirt... but still, the fire inside is burning hot... i could not just stop there. running fast but quietly...
the test was tough but still i stood still and gain confident... 5 more to go... i got to stand strong!!! im afraid but i will not lose even a step forward...
i could see the enemy from far... but yet the road is still far. i have to move on now... the day is not early now...
A must watch from BGT 2009!
people just don't believe that how good they are sometimes but reality is that they are... it really is amazing to watch people having great talents... is rare and not everyone has it... it may take years to develop and takes tonnes of effort to create a talent as such...
another example is susan boyle... really amazed me to the top most... i couldnt believe that moment when i watch the video... is really truly amazing...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The battle is NOW!!!!!!!
some of us have sweat so much, some of us just take 2 steps... but in the end... we will know how much effort u put in when the results comes... i believe with all my faith... and i shall trust Him for all my days... this climb... i will not end until i reach the top, i will not give up and stop... and when i reach the top of the mountain... i shal open my eyes and feel the breeze... as the wind blows my tears away... it shall be the worth of the climb!!! GUYS!!! lets move on!
Good luck to my fellow friends... FINALS!!!!!!! slping early tonite... chaos~
Friday, May 1, 2009
Loose my soul
enjoy this music guys! =)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
don't stop laughing
Sunday, April 26, 2009
horrifying weekend
*slap slap... wake up!!!!!!!!!!! arh!!!!!!!!! i nid super alot of ice and coffee for this coming week... i have to finish everything by thursday cuz my family is coming on friday.. i wouldnt have time to study... is going to be crazy that time.... i got to have the feeling of studyness!!!!!!
okok.... screaming is wasting energy + time....
no time to waste... chaos~
Friday, April 24, 2009
Loving my "Enemies"
well, being dissapointed does not mean giving up or just being negative about the results... i was disspointed.. no doubt... but at the same time... im looking forward for the biotech quiz... without wasting any much time or effort on aseptic practical... biotech shud be the next target...
however, ppl's point of view are diff as they tinks that u are in a dissapointment state and u're on ur way to destruction or going to give up... i guess that's how or which way u're looking at it.. perhaps... i should say... thgs change now... they change for a better... how much they can trust u? how much people will see the difference? i dont mind much of it... as long as i know ... im doing the right thg..
well, im not pointing to anyone or indirectly "shooting" to anyone... but people that are closest to you sometimes are the people that doesnot understand u the most.. sometimes u're enemy understand u more than ur best frens... that's why Jesus says love ur enemy.... i want to be better in the sence that... i may be able to forgive others more and love others... and in return... i will love and forgive myself...
in some conditions where sometimes when ppl miss understood or interpret wrongly of what u do and what u say.. and gives them a bad impression about u... i guess... i can only say... theres nothing much u can do... u cant please everyone.. because everyone will have different opinions about urself... i learn to accept that.. people.. even friends that hates, jealous, mock, even curse u... because i know.. that i will do that which is a sin... but i shall forgive them and forgive myself... for i know..this is not the truth that will set me free from all these stuff...
i duno how many ppl will read this post... but i felt that it is important to be able to really forgive and love the person... but i am willing to forgive and love them... with all my heart... and... truthfully... i will not even prejudice against them even for watever thgs they did against me...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Looks and Love #2
PLEASE WATCH....susan boyle~
Looks and Love
is this nature? is this just wat we are ought to be?! how can a person be alone? he cant live without frens!! but it is strange that these thgs do happen around us.... EVERYDAY!!! is this why the suicide rate is going up in our country? is this why we cant live like how we are ought to live? is this HOW LOVE SURPOSE TO BE?!!
i duno whats the correct answer for it... but whenever there is LOVE.... there is always HOPE! when we have the hope... we will cling on to it..and do what ever we can to keep the HOPE alive... thats what's diff between Looks and Love? we hate the way ppl look at us... but how we look at people? reflection of love does play how much you look at people and how u display love with forgiveness?
well, thgs are very realistic in this world... but we are ought to live out the life that is faithful and different from the world... that's our calling as christians... to have the relationship with the almighty and to be in the world but not of the world... but connected together with the almighty with Love and to love others as we are to be loved... is strange rite? i hope u get wat i mean..
with Hope and Love... we stranggle to continue to live it... breathing the last of every breath... knowing that we are doing the right thg.. ignoring wat people may tink of it... is it true? is this whats looks and love like?
Friday, April 17, 2009
the past few days was aseptic theory and pharmacokinetics quiz... and it is continuously for 2 days... the week b4 when i know about the quiz date, i knew is going to be a hard time for me... the worst thg that happen is my slp... Day turns to nite and nite turns to day.. i was like a dead man walking to college everyday and depending just on caffeine... i know is spoilting my body but i could not take any advice but put my priority on my studies than my health... is stupid but when u're desperate like me... is a sacrifice i have to make... if i had a choice i would not choose it... ( i know many ppl dun agree with it.. but i choose to do it.. haha )
aseptic was ok... i could attemp the ques... but when comes to pharmacokinetics... i guess most of my energy was drained out after aseptic quiz... after the aseptic quiz, i went back and slp from 2pm and planned to wake up at 5pm... but by the time i open my eyes... i got shocked and forgotten the time and date already because it was dark and i almost tought i was blind because i couldnt see anythg... it was really scary for me... realising tat i slpt for 7 hours and extra 4 hours from the time i planned.. i decided not to slp until 10am the next day after quiz... with the notes that i didnt really had time to study yet... i was really scared... and prayed hard... immediately... went down... buy bread and 1 stack of coffee and start flipping through the notes... i couldnt really get it into my head cause i know doing this is crazy..and i would not want to see myself doing this again especially for finals...
then 9am comes... sitting in c210, i holding the paper sweating and feeling dizzy... i barely could concentrate because the caffeine was not really strong enough... i just drank 6 cups of it.. (looks like coffee is really taking me down) i focus and concentrate with every single strength that left inside my body... just to force myself to concentrate on that 1 hour... MCQ was ok... when it comes to SAQ.... Q2... duno... Q3... to derive ar?... Q5.. im sweating even more now... FORGET EQUATION!!!... this equation same as Q5? OH NO!!!!!!!!.... Q7.... wat factors??? can i just crap?? Q8... no nid to do la.. is wasting time....
at that moment.. i almost stand up and tell the lecturer... "sorry dr loga.. i tink i cant do this ques... i not feeling well. can i resit this paper or just let it go? or could u help me? or give me some extra time or WATEVER!!!! JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!" i couldnt take it any longer... and then, dr loga was beside me... smiling away... looking at me.... i slowly held my head up and smile back to him... he said, "r u ok?".. i said... "er.....r.......yea..... hehe..he...ehe..." then i looked back at my paper.... "OH NO!!!!!!! I CANOT LET DR LOGA DOWN!!! i cant let my parents down... this is the last choice... either i ask pauline to help... or curi tengok... (pauline was beside me) but dr loga is there............" "nononononO!!! i canot cheat.. CANOT!!.... how??HOW?!!!" then i looked around and stunned for about 10 mins.... sweating even more.... my mind STOP for a moment.... then i was blanked.... i closed my eyes and prayed.. (nearly fell aslp... ) then i looked at Q8 again.... and started to copy the ques......i copied few times... then SUDDENLY.. out of no where.. i started to rmb the answers from the notes.. and go back to Q7... Q6... Q5...Q4...3...2..1..!!! i slowly finish them... haha..but the time was almost too short.. i nearly couldnt do it... hopefully i did them correctly.. cause it was quite a rush when i rmb the answers.. haha... it was a relieve and reli thank God that i could able to answer them... haha...


This is how a room looks like when u're desperate... haha.. i duno how many ppl's room's like mine

right after the PK quiz.. i went back and have a short nap... then manage to wake up and go to MV for ITALIANIES~~~~ my 1st ever to a nice restoran... WOHOO~~ great time and great place... wow... lovely place.. nice food and of cuz... good companionships... wonderful friends... wahaha.. laughing all the way home... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to HAN BOON and KAM HONG!!! =) ( sorry for the wrong day calling and wishing u, han boon... my fault mistaken... must be the caffeine effect... haha)


1st time eating raw salmon with pizza... NICE!!!! ^^
Breeze BAY~~~ Mixed drink recipe...

Lastly... fried sotong with special sauce... the best i ever had...
Photo Session after makan... hehe...
is time for the BIRTHDAY.... DONUTS?!!!!
i tink is special and nice to have a different birthday with DONUTS! =) memorable.. haha
EW!!!! wahaha.. DONUT SPLASH!!
ok la... i guess thats all for now.. haha... tml got early morning class... i dun wnt to miss again.. haha.. chaoz.. ^^
Monday, April 13, 2009
Filling up my time with Poems~ xD
every page of my life is you
everyday of my soul has light
i wonder if you knew
how much i missed you
even if i could just say it out
but you wouldnt want to listen
if u knew how much i want to say it loud
I LOVE YOU more than distance
Many have fall, many have fail
many to come and i shall prevail
and i shall take you as my bride
to a far away land, we shall sail
now that i am here with you
is more than i could wish ever
to cherish you and stand by you
and to love you forever
Wats wrong with me?
however, i was tinking of my pass in this pharmacy course and looks like i had my ups and downs.. but i duno y i was quite negative about the feeling of this semester... i felt like i was not good enough...
not enough hard work? waste too much time? not focus?
i was quite trouble even until now......
well, it gives me a feeling of giving up.. bt i know that giving up is not a choice now... im already at the end of my semester... if i give up now.. i will be the biggest fool...
promise myself to do my best for this coming aseptic and pharmacokinetic quiz... to my fellow classmates... GAMBATEH!!! =)
thats all for now gtg .... aseptic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bigger and BIGGER!!
in the prayer meeting today. God spoke to me to grow up. i guess i have to take another step forward again. when thgs get too comfortable, we tend to waste time doing thgs tat are not benificial. some times losing the momentum to move forward. is like climbing up a mountain. when u reach a pit stop, we will automatically let go of our baggage and tend to rest n stop moving upwards. when the time is up, we will always reluctant to move up the slope again and find ourselves difficult to move out of the comfort zone.
i guess i got to change some of my bad habits like finishing up my reports in time and planning my agenda in details than just brief lists. planning ahead, doing things at the right time and right place, practising the Word everyday. is all part of growing up to be bigger and BIGGER inside and outside... =)


Coffee + Bread ^^
Monday, April 6, 2009
a little crazy... and a little uneasy
talking bout crazy... i know im sometimes crazy at home or even outside... i duno whether is becuz sometimes i cant control my emotions or feelings.... is juz that i like to be who i am in some places at certain times. haha. better isolate me.
sometimes shouding out of my lungs, singing unconditionally, air drumming and dancing like monkey in different situation... is quite weird wen u tink in the perspective of a stranger but is the joy i had inside. it juz come out sumtimes... especially when im with the music i love... ^^
it is more to say that i have my own way of expressions. but sometimes when it comes to troubles and problems.. i had problems to express as well. i duno whether it is normal or wat. but i since young i have problems in communications.. may be becuz i hav bad language command and vocabs... well, im learning though. slowly.... reading...
i dont have good reading habits... i dont like reading.. but well, man hav to read... reading Bible, reading notes, reading journals, books... anythg... like wat pastor said.. READ!!! haha... is a gud thg... but i juz hav to force myself to read... i had to learn the hard way... is uneasy... =/
a little crazy... a little uneasy.. perhaps there is more than juz to be in life to be sometimes in our own world... may be sharing? ^^ it remains a ques to me...
for someone to step into the realm.. it takes nt oni me to accept but others to understand... i guess is hard for people to reli understand the feeling 100%... oni God knows... i guess there's where conflicts come from. i have to understand others as well!! =.="
Growing up is another part of life... building a block a day... shining for another day... moving towards infinity... my life... i surrender.. ^^ jus wanna thank God for it..
i tink thats all... gonna cont study for PP now... all the best... ^^
Friday, April 3, 2009
work and rest~
well, thgs are getting tougher as we come to the edge of the semester... thgs are not ready nids to be set up already... few more weeks and it will be our finals! stretching towards another level... sometimes i find myself working like crazy.. haha.. but it is rest that i found when i work... loving in everythg i do~
perhaps there is somethg more than i can defined as "busy" or "no time". it is more than juz an excuse for not being on the duty or willingness. many people juz try to do it.. but they fail to perservere... wat if i stumble? wat if i fall? i wouldnt wanna be the rest. i guess success is always taking the path which not many ppl can take. but everyone have their own path.. it depends on which success we are going for...but some of us may be going for the wrong thgs... just like wat pastor said... we may be climbing up the wrong ladder to cross the wall... but we will not know until we reach the top... we have to choose the right ladder and trusting the ladder to bring us up to another level and to success...
i guess is not that fun when we comes to work... but lately... i found out that playing keeps me lazy and not doing anythg makes me worst! if i keep my hands on the notes or at least the computer screen on my job than facebook... at least i am more motivated to learn somethg extra by juz reading thru people's blogs and websites... there's where i found rest.. haha.
well, i guess i had to stop nw and continue doing my biotech slides... juz to add some pics and colors... ^^ until then... chaoz~
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
CHALLENGED 2!!!!!!!!!!
CHALLENGED!!!!! Made a effort to meet Dr.logan for the compounding thg... he agrees to be the counsellor which is a relief for me.. now left to be comfirm is the date and dr yeong's approval... ^^ but the challenge comes when we discuss about the department... haiz... too many thgs to change as we discuss it in detail... looks like the plan i did before was not gud enuf... AM I NOT GUD ENUF? i was tinking... will this be going too far already... but i bucked up... concentrating on each words he says... making new ideas in my head... building up ideas... and HOPE for a better change... letter surpose to be done by tml... looks like is impossible now... i need to sit down n tink carefully each steps to take... CHALLENGED!!!!!!!!!
weird that i was sooooo tired today... i slpt the whole afternoon around 7 hours... took me the whole day to recover from the last few slpless nights.. i didnt know wat i did but thgs are still not yet to be done... haiz... is it a waste? i hope not. wondering that there is still time for me to continue.. i didnt stop.. now is the time to move on....
made a effort to go for easter UCSI CF production. one of the reason is to attend their activity because i hav been thinking of participating in CF since i came to UCSI. the production was good... and beyond my expectation. though the crowd was to be said not as gud as last year.. but i felt the presence of God was there even though the responce was abit slow... (compare to CHC) haha... but i was having a great time watching n enjoying the performance... also glad to see shereen dancing too! XD besides i also get to meet some people... heheheheh.. u know who u r... wahaha... =X
SURPRISE!!!!!!!! it was surpose to be a surprise.. but the surprise went wrong and thgs wasnt smooth but we THANK GOD that nothing happened... is really great to see most of the people from W13 attended... Sorry Sing siang that have to lie to u about the surprise and the money for the cake... haha.. but is part of the surprise.... after the easter production.. went to Sunway to wait for Hendra... we waited for quite some time... waited at few places like batavia, beside hotel sun inn open area and medan... XD took some pics and chat chat while waiting... however, it was so nice that when eddie turn his car out.. hendra was behind and in front of rong2 car... Hendra in phone : "eddie, where are u now ar?" eddie : "haahaha... er... At home lor...." well.. the surprise was unsuccessfull... but he still surprise to see us all here... Glad to see that he is happy... haha.. and so is sing siang.. short and simple surprise... Happy 22nd Birthay HENDRA (our lovely W13 LEADER!) and SING SIANG (owl killer...eheheheheheeh =p)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok la... thats all for the day................ gonna continue study now... cant stop or will lose the momentum...... GOD BLESS!!! take care! =)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
One of the funniest.... haha
Saturday, March 28, 2009
TAGGED!!! @@
1.我的大名 : Joshua
2.我的生日 : 16/03/87
3.誰傳給你的 : Suki
4.說出五個好朋友 : it seang, yi juan, jonanthan, han boon, chon hong
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : a car
6.近期開心的是 : everyday oso happy
7.近期壓力大的是 : exam!!!!
8.未來想做什麼啊 : eat slp eat slp...
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : no gua
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : ya gua
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : mama
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : find solution la
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : anywhere oso can...
14.聖誕節要做啥 : party la
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : family
16.有沒有起床气 : sometimes
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 3 sisters
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : many wor..@@
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : many oso wor... @@
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : blue, black, white
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : no
22.愛不愛我 : who r u?
23.喜歡男生還是女生 :gurl la... duh...
24.最想大聲說什麼 : AH?
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : dare...
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : abo?pee on pant meh
27.誰很欠打 : very "fan" de people
28.現在很迷什麼 : duno...
29.睡相很差 : ya...
30.現在的時間 : 2.06am
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : no...
32.體重多少 : guess la... hehe
33.今天天氣 : rainy
34.你懷孕了嗎 : siao guy lea!
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : play music in a band
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : HOLIDAY + alcohols!!! WAHAHA!!!
1. henna tan
2. jocelyn tan
3. sing siang
4. felicia loh
5. xiao jun
6. wan yee
7. yi juan
8. su li
9. teong chie veng
10. kevin liew
【 8號的興趣是】:sleep?@@
【1號有沒有兄弟姐妹】:1 sister 2 brother
【10號人緣好嗎】:sure... lolx..
【4號有人追嗎】:may be?
【5號讀哪呢】:now no study yet
【你怎麼認識10號的】: college
【你和9號有出去玩過嗎】: yup
【你喜歡和2號聊天嗎】:of cuz
【你喜歡和3號在一起嗎】:everyday bully me de... T_T
【你覺得7號人怎樣】:fun, cool...
【你覺得9號人怎麼樣】:caring, gud teacher... xD
【你愛5號嗎】:no gua
1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : Suki
2.你們認識多久呢 : 2 years?
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : important as friends lor
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : friends lor
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : lengzai... LOL!
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : funny... out going... shopaholic... xD
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 : duno...
*睡覺前第一件事 :set my alarm?
*起床前第一件事 : off my alarm?
*你的偶像是 : jay chou, david tao, avril lavigne
*你喜歡的季節 : winter
*你打工過嗎 : yes
*打工次數 : 3 gua
*你想去的國家 : swizerland
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : annoying, prejudice, kiam siap,proud
*你常哭嗎 : no
*你常笑嗎 : yes if no sad thg
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : sometimes
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : until i syok
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰): rainy
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : friend
*機會和命運你會選擇 : chance
*你很自戀嗎 : sometimes lor
*這問卷多不多 : wan slp oso canot... = =.......
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 : being in love.......
*喜欢吃什么 : anythg..............
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : ya..............
*現在幸福嗎 : not reli..............
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : duno...depends.....................
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : money.....................
*最常夢到什麼 : cant rmb le................................
*男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : will la.. but see when oni...................
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : eat slp eat slp... xD................
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): duno what know..............................
*什么时候最讨厌我 : every second...............................................................
l*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : ........ duno.....lazy to think le.............
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : choco...........................
*请问这个游戏可以停止了吗? : shut up!
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : ok nia lor..............................................
*谁是你的知己? : dun have gua...........................................................
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : er... duno...............................................................................
*電腦还是手機? : pc.............................................................................................................................
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : both..........................................................................................
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : both oso got..........................................................................................
PRP quiz!!!!!! C-!!!! i was quite upset the results.. and seriously i did my best already... looks like effort hav to be doubled... 5 weeks i have to finish them already... i still got biotech viva and few more quizes to go... COME ON!!!!
today i was challenged... i know i have to do more better.... but choices are always in our hands... giving up definately is not the choice for me now... is either taking the hard way or going the easy way bt there will be pros and cons.... taking the right path to move will determine my strength to carry on... it takes me courage... i will do better!!
ok la.. thats all for today.. hehe.. short n sweet.... up coming blogs will be more interesting.. juz stay tune.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, March 19, 2009
next day at quiz... haha.... kinda no mood to go for exam or tink about any thg about studies at all... my mind was flying away in the air.. so.. i did the paper.. relaxingly...the paper was quite hard... = = but i was kinda shocked tat i didnt reli study much and memorise hardly but i can just finish the paper... althought some ques were left out... bt im glad i did my best.... then went back... rest a while... kinda tired and lazy to reply all those msg oledi.. lol... so... nap~~~~

Goin back home after quiz.... Phew~
nite... DINNER! went to NANDOs at MV... hehe... was surprise to see Su Li and Ah Boon there cuz i was not told... ^^ it was simple and nice dinner.. thanks guys.. then we went to watch DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION.. = = when i come out from the cinema... i was kinda dissapointed... the movie was kinda different oledi.. haiz... i dun tink is nice to watch la.. compare to WATCHMEN... hehe.. i prefer that kind of superhero movie more than this type... it was LAME!!! = = but anyway... then we went back... then i tot the day was kinda over already... waiting to slp after i prepare for my presentation tml and finish up my PP report.. haiz.. BDAY oso got work to do.. kinda lazy lor... then this CHOE HOE!!! keep calling me... want me to go his hse and discuss.. juz now in cinema oledi told me that i do my part... he do his part.. then he say "i wanna slp early liao.. tml presentation... " CHOE HOE? SLP EARLY?!! i was thinking "WHATS WRONG WITH HIM?!" ok la.. since im the one going to present with him... so.. better go la.. i didnt complain much.. so juz went after 12am after i wash up and clean my room... as i reach choe hoe house.. i was surprise.. "WHY SO MANY SHOES ONE?!" @@ "since when they got so many shoes... abit curious oledi.. and funny funny.. then the door was NOT LOCKED!!!! = =" thats not Jonanthan or Choe Hoe... then i called him... he straight open the door and i ask him y no lock the door. He say "just come in my ROOM LA! we discuss the presentation... WE are expecting u already.. so no LOCK the DOOR..." then i open the door.. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" i stunned........................... it was surprise..!!! reli...and i really appreciate that Grace, Eli, Shereen, Kuen, HB, CH, IS and CH will still make a surprise until the end of the day.. haha... it was reli simple and still... it touches my heart... ^^ took some pics...i like the faces... XD (sorry the pics are not available yet... i will get them and post them soon.. ) a lil of sharing... i reli thank u guys... for coming and rmb-ing my bday... TRUELY, i appreciate it.. ^^

Peri anyone?

Nando Nandos~

Simple and nice place~ ^^

I like the fries... ^^ HOT PERI PERI~ XD
Thanks~ XD
i look quite silly.. lolx
i hold the knife terbalik... LOL

the cake masuk my nose lagi.. LOL

well.... above all these... i got card from my JI MUIs... lolx.. thx guys.. i will rmb ur words and put inside my heart.. haha.. keep in touch.. jia you~ and a COFFEE MUG!!! Oh GOSH!!! lolx.. is nice and pretty... at 1st i tot is milk powder when i 1st saw the tin.. LOL... thanks to Kerli, Kuen, Tricia and Shereen.. XD RELI RELI THANKS!!!!!